The Body Spirit Soul Code

Casting The Right Spell by Nadeem Mohamed

26/10/2010 09:31


This article is not about the art of witchcraft or making of magic charms.


The below article will engage you in the theory of witchcraft and the art of spell making which everyone of us practices in every moment of our life.


I would like to bring to your attention about a delicate dimension in us. Every witch, wizard and jinn are aware of the immense power this dimension can yield. The more you tap into the vast resources in this dimension the more your life changes.


Our ignorance about this inner power makes us susceptible to witchcraft charms and doubts.


 In my town the practice of witchcraft is very rampant and something which is deemed to be very normal. Ordinary people die under mysterious condition and then days after a “near and dear” one confesses that he had put a spell on the deceased.


Here, we might be left wondering do spells really have such destructive powers that it can kill, make somebody go nuts and can make one commit suicide?


Well I will leave you to search for the answer to the above statement.


Moving back to spell casting, have you wondered why the magician spells really work. What is so powerful about their spells that a people like me and you loose our hold on our senses?


Spell casting is a sort of remote hypnotism. The power to cast spells and be affected by its hypnotic effects is within every one of us. Most of us, have mastered this art so intensely that it can put any witch or wizard to shame.


Without wasting more time lets move to the delicate dimension I had mentioned above and open its doors of mysteries



The delicate dimension I was referring to earlier was no other than the Power of Our Spoken words. Many of us take this facet of our being very lightly. We are not aware about the realities surrounding this dimension of ours which can either break us or make us.


If you have seen movies or read books concerning the subject of witchcraft and magic then you must have noted one common trend which keeps on being repeated and repeated until the end of the book or the movie.


This often repeated trend is spell casting.


Did you note the witch’s expressions as she spoke her spells?


Did she speak with full conviction?


What emotions did this scene evoke in you?


For a moment, forget this witch craft stuff. Let’s move to some common life experience.


Do you remember a time in your life when you had done something wrong? You desperately tried to cover up this mistake of yours but it was found out by a figure of authority in your life. This authority figure could have been one of your parents, an uncle or may be a school teacher.


Can you remember one such incident from your life?


What words did your parent say to you?


Did they something like the below statements?

  1. You useless scum
  2. When are you going to grow up
  3. I am fed up of you
  4. Have you got no brains
  5. You are dumb?
  6. God is going to punish you
  7. You are going to rot in hell
  8. Look at your brother. He never does such things
  9. Leave us in peace.
  10. When are you going to grow up?


Did they say one of the above statements while beating you?


Were you looking into their eyes or were you ashamed to stare?


The above examples are much or less examples of casting of spells. If you had noted that the witches spell brings nothing apart from harm and destructions. Our parents and guardians do the same but in a much unconscious way. A wizard is fully aware of the implication of reciting a spell. He is fully conscious of the power of his spoken words. On the other hand a parent might not be fully conscious of the power of their spoken work.


Let’s look at example No.5




If you keep throwing such ‘spells” to a kid, sooner or later it will become a belief in him. All his life events will be filtered through this belief.


Here I would like to put a question to my esteemed readers.


If the above is not spell casting, than what is it?


If the above is not hypnotism, than what is it?


If the above in not mind control, than what is it?


We are the first to make decisions that witches should be burnt alive, wizards should be hung and who ever practices witch craft is eternally damned.


Oh, the passers of Laws!


Have you judged your own being with the same law?


Do you remember calling your friend a thief though he had not stolen a thing?


Do you remember calling your wife useless?


Do you remember putting false accusations on your parents that they love your brothers and sisters more than you?


All the above instances point to the power of spoken words.



We have all come to a common ground that the whole universe is a huge, giant soup of energy. Everything contained therein in nothing but energy.


Me, and you are energy.


The trees are energy.


The stars, the chair we sit on, the huge china wall and whatever you can think of is nothing but vibrating energy.


Energy exists in the form of pulsating waves. When these waves join together at a certain frequency they form atoms. Further amalgamation of atoms forms a molecule. Molecules combine to form various forms of things like chair, wall, tree etc.


What makes various forms differ from each other is the frequency of vibrating energy.


An atom of Sodium Chloride will behave differently than that of Potassium Chloride. (Do you remember those interesting lessons of chemistry in the laboratories?)


A wooden plank has different property compared to a metal rod though the energy forming them is the same.


One conducts heat the other doesn’t.


Another good example is that of a coal turning into a diamond under certain pressure. A point to remember is there is no much difference between a coal and diamond apart from their “energetic” frequencies which gives them a unique building block with certain properties.


Enough of chemistry lessons. Let’s come back to metaphysics.


Each spoken words have a certain frequency.


Sages and saints have studied the power of spoken words and their effects for millions of years. The study of such specific words is known as Mantra Yoga. 


A Japanese researcher by the name of Dr Masaru Emoto did several experiments by sticking labels with the words like Love and Hate on a bottle of water. The water with the “love” label had symmetrical water crystals on the other hand asymmetrical water crystal structure was found on the water labeled “Hate”. I highly recommend you read all his works.


When we speak our words move out as energy and is decoded by the receiver’s brain as sound energy.


So when I say a statement like “Wow, you look stunning in that evening gown”. The words leave my mouth as sound energy and it is received by you after decoding.


Spoken words are nothing but sound energy in motion.



All the energy existent in the world is neutral.


Electricity is a neutral type of energy. Many of the gadgets and appliances we use today use electricity as its fueling power. With the discovery of electricity we have simplified our lives to a great extent but since its discovery diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart attacks have been on rise. We don’t exercise as everything has become magical, all we need to do is push a button and the thing is done.


Another such energy which has been misused is the Atomic energy. I don’t need to mention what destruction the invention of atomic bombs has brought to the world. Yet we could have harnessed the energy in a much constructive way.


In the above two examples we have showed that energy is neither positive nor negative. It’s completely neutral. Positivity and negativity only comes about for what purposes we harness such grand energy.


The same goes for our spoken words.


You might say to somebody that “Your face is glowing like a moon. What have you been doing?”


The other person might not like the incoming energy of your words. She might even reply to you curtly, “What do you mean? I am just my normal self”


As we saw from the above statement, that it was neither a positive energy nor a negative energy. It was jus a neutral statement. The receiver decoded this energy as an assault.


Now let’s look at some of the statements below:

  1. You are stupid.
  2. You are dumb
  3. You are evil
  4. You will not amount to anything in life
  5. You are cursed.


We have been in situations where we were exposed to the spoken energy of one or more of the above statements.


So how did it you take the energy of the statement “You are Stupid”


Did it make you angry? (Negativity)


Did it make you defensive (Negativity)


Let’s forget the intentions of the Sayers of such statements. All we want to see is how does interacting with our fellow human beings affect our ultimate being. Do they possess the power to shake you off from your peace zone with such statement?


If the statement made you angry then you have harnessed the neutral energy of the statement “You are stupid” negatively.


We live in a crazy world where disputes are the norm of the day. The only weapon we have against the dispute zone is our peace amour. How do we make our peace amour more durable, strong and resistant?


Neutralize It!


Yes, neutralize everything which comes and hits your peace amour.


The best way to start our peace mission is from the spoken words.


Do you remember any spoken words from your parents, friends or relatives that are still stuck in your heart like shards of broken glass?


All that hurts is nothing but stuck energy.


We can neutralize that stuck energy with our attention and intention.


We will discuss more on this on the later part of the article



Self talk is the private little conversations we have with our selves. We are all experts on this field. Right from the moment we wake from the bed to the time we hit the pillow again we are engaged in self talk.


If we were to check our self talk, not only would be shock but we would come to discover how much of self loath and hatred we have towards ourselves.


Are you familiar with these self dialogues?


  • Why are you doing this?
  • You will never amount to anything
  • Why you are so thick headed.


All this negative monologues emanate from our mind (spirit) which thinks it’s the real YOU. Check all the statements above again. Did you notice the underlined word YOU. See how the thinking is questioning and self judgmental.


Let’s look at the first thought.


WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? : This thought clearly shows that we doubt our credibility and ability in carrying out a certain action.


YOU WILL NEVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING: This thought clearly shows how much trust we have in our self. I am sure we have all heard about Self Prophecy.


WHY ARE YOU SO THICK HEADED: This thought clearly shows one’s self detest towards oneself.


Can you estimate how long these thought has been driving the show of your life?


If this isn’t self hypnotism, than what is it?


If this is not the spell of one’s self talk, than what is it?


We should be very careful of our self talk. There is no black magician like our self talk. It can hypnotize you with its effect and you will not be aware of it.


All the above three thoughts are fueled by only one emotion.




Witchcraft and Black Magic rest on the foundation of FEAR.


Our Mind loves Fear. It is naturally attached to it.


Whenever we want to try something new, fear greets us in our self talk. Even in while meditating the first thoughts to bubble up to our conscious have something to do with fear.


So how do we find out our way out from the labyrinth of our self talk?



I recommend you remove all the good and bad emotions from our self talk. If you want to end up all mind games and find peace than we have to go beyond the mind level.


What is beyond the mind level?


The soul realm starts, where mind (spirit) level stops.


This realm is also known as the realm of Pure Awareness. Others refer it as the realm of Unity, Oneness and No-thoughts.


All forms are decoded from the mind realm. Thoughts and emotions too are decoded here. Since the mind operates on a duality basis, its always analyzing and contemplating things so that it can file it in one of the dual form record.


Let’s look at some of the duality concept of the mind.

1.      Man – Woman

2.      Fear – Love

3.      Earth – Sky

4.      Father – Mother

5.      North – South

6.      Happy – Sad

7.      Express – Depress

8.      Speak – Silent

9.      Right – Left

10. Save – Spend


All our life is run by the mind. Hence all our life is nothing but a dual concept. Check this conversation below between me and my friend.


Me: How are you? What’s the dual concept of you? Me

Friend: I am fine, thanks. What’s the dual concept of fine? Unwell

Me: What a hot morning. I hate such weather. What’s the dual concept of hot and hate? Cold and Love

Friend: It’s unusually hot today. Care for a drink? What’s the dual concept of hot, today and drink? Cold, Yesterday and Eat.


Do you see what I am trying to get at?


Do you see from what limited angle we are all living our precious life?


Check out this next conversation between a husband and wife.


Husband: Can’t you do anything right? What’s the dual concept of you, do, anything and right? Me, Be, Nothing and Wrong

Wife: Is complaining all that you know? What’s the dual concept of “complaining”? Appreciating.


Most of our life is just spent in this Pain and Pleasure seeking games. We think to be called “Stupid” is Pain and to be called “Clever” is Pleasure. We go through all “sunny and bunny” of life to accumulate all pleasurable things in life. We go to extremes to avoid all the painful things in life.


Answer the following questions honestly.

  1. How many times in day do you get angry or irritated?
  2. Are you not in talking terms with a family or relative?
  3. Does you boss or work colleague bug you?


In avoiding any of the above situations in our life we are saying NO to the gifts of life. The situation we label “pain” in our self talk is nothing but a neutral situation posed to us. If you feel the situation is “painful” then be content with the fact that Pain is a duality concept of the mind. If you have found the store house of pain in a given situation then the storehouse of pleasure also exist in the same situation. Accept the situation and work on it and you will soon find that anger will desert you, you will be favourite among your family and relatives and your boss will be your best friend.


The only thing we need to do is be aware of our SELF TALK and not fall into the garbs of labeling anything positive or negative. When we are successful in doing that again and again in every moment of our life only then will the doors of emptiness and pure awareness be opened to us.



Backbiting represents abuse of our subtle power to influence somebody. It’s the most deplorable form of witchcraft. The reason mostly behind this dreadful act is nothing but burning envy and raging jealousy.


Backbiting points to an abuse of our speaking power. This power in us can create cascade of good if channeled by the source properly. If the source is dumb about the effects of abuse of this magnetic faculty then nothing but a “famine” of positive energy will be the outcome of such practice to the source.


Let me give you an example of the above.


Jonathan: Did you hear about Brenda?

Paul: Why what happened to her?

Jonathan: She is missing. The jewelry too is gone.

Paul: Poor girl.

Jonathan: I am sure she stole all that jewelry and took off

Paul: What makes you say that?

Jonathan: Well, his boyfriend too, apparently is nowhere to be seen. I feel they must be together. Making their day with the loot.


Once you speak ill of a person (backbiting, gossip or rumour mongering) a connection is formed between your brain and the person in question’s brain. All your positive energy starts flowing through this connecting channel and passes to the person in question. In the above case Jonathan’s and Brenda’s brain connected and the transaction was settled by flowing of positive energies of Jonathan in favour of Brenda.


How much positive energy  flows in favour of someone depends on how much damage one has caused by spreading false stories. This mechanism was set by the Universal Mind and we have got no control over it.


What if one is devoid of any positive energy in one’s energy body?


What happens than?


Then Brenda’s negative energy will flow towards Jonathan in proportion to the damage caused.


Why does it work?


Whatever is in the universe is connected through one Spirit. So we can say that the whole universe is one mind. Minerals, animals, stars, sun and whatever thing you can name is connected through this spirit link. That’s the reason why the Law of Attraction works. In Law of Attraction lessons we are thought that if we want to attract more joy into our life than we have to be joyful first. Once we are in this joyful channel, our mind, which functions like a transmitter lets out waves of joy spread through out the world. Whoever can decode these waves enters our life. That’s how money, car, yatchs, fur coat start entering our life. This clearly shows that there is a strong link connecting each of us together.


Brenda, Jonathan and Paul too are also part of this intricate spirit web.


What is happening in their case is also part of Law of Attraction. You speak ill of somebody you attract illness too (loose your positive energy or gain someone’s bad energy)


Next time you open your mouth to say something about someone think twice before uttering those words.



Surah 104. Al-Humazah – The Slanderer

[Author‟s Note] This is the 104th Surah and it has 9 verses. Slander, fault-finding, backbiting, criticizing, is a full-time job. Born out of envy, idleness, malice and rationalized self-interest, this is a negative indulgence in itself that leaves no room for working any goodness.

With the Glorious Name of God, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

104:1 Woe to every slanderer, fault-finder! [He himself does little but spends a lot of energy detracting the doers]

104:2 Whose efforts revolve around gathering material possessions and counting them. [Lacking a higher goal, he opposes any semblance of reform 70:18]

104:3 He thinks that his wealth will make him immortal.

104:4 Nay, He will be flung into the Shredder. [9:35]

104:5 Ah, what will convey to you what the Shredder is?

104:6 A fire kindled by God. [The law: “As you sow, so shall you reap.” 53:39]

104:7 That originates in, and engulfs, the hearts.

104:8 It closes upon them (as they had kept their possessions closed up in vaults).


A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends. (Proverbs 16:28)

A Psalm of David. O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill? He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart; who does not slander with his tongue and does no evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend; (Psalm 15:1-3)

You shall not go around as a slanderer among your people, and you shall not stand up against the life of your neighbor: I am the Lord. (Leviticus 19:16)

For I fear that perhaps when I come I may find you not as I wish, and that you may find me not as you wish—that perhaps there may be quarreling, jealousy, anger, hostility, slander, gossip, conceit, and disorder. (2 Corithians 12:20)

The north wind brings forth rain, and a backbiting tongue, angry looks. (Proverbs 25:253)

Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends. (Proverbs 17:9)

For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases. (Proverbs 26:20)

 “And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right? (Luke 12:57)

Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? (James 4:11-12)


A saint was once visited by a lady who was constantly having verbal fights with her husband. She requested from the saint a portion which would change her husband’s behaviour towards her. The saint gave her a packet of sweets and advised her that she should have one of this magnetized sweet as soon as her husband enters the house in the evening. She was told not to utter any words while sucking the sweet in her mouth. Ecstatic, the lady returned home with a packet containing enough sweets for one month.


The lady started doing as per the instructions of the saint. Soon there were no more fights between the husband and the wife. All became well. On the first day of the next month the lady returned to the saint thanking him profusely for the magnetized sweet which had changed her husband. She requested the saint for another packet of those magic sweets.


The saint looked at her and frowned. “My child, it was not the sweets that manifested the change in your husband. Its you, my child.” The lady, confused, said to the saint “How my master?”


“My child, your words were creating havoc for your husband. When he returned from work you were always constantly firing words upon words in the form of complains. You should be able to understand, my child, that your husband might be in a bad or foul mood when he came home and your complains added fuel to his already bad state which resulted into verbal fights.”


“I gave you the sweets so that you can cultivate silence and only speak when asked. You can see the result of holding back your tongue. There is much better communication between you two”


This story clearly shows the spell of destruction we can create with our own words. We can also cast helping spells which results in better communication.


Another important message in the above story is that we are the creators of our life situations. The lady created turmoil in her married life by abusing her spoken word power. She also brought harmony by correcting her wrongs and being responsible for what she had created initially so that she can neutralize its effects.


We should be very careful while speaking anything. Once we utter a word, subtle life and breath energy is converted into sound energy. Once energy is transformed it has to move somewhere. The first destination it moves is that of the recipient intended.


If I say to you “YOU ARE A WONDERFUL PERSON” then that sound energy moves towards your energy body. If this energy is accepted by your energy body, it moves in and out of your energy system giving you energy boost needed by your system. Once this energy is out from your system it moves back to the creator, that’s me. This energy gets attached to my energy system and can be confirmed by viewing my aura. The more positive energy I have created (by speaking), the brighter and vibrant my aura.


We are creators of our realities. We have to taste the fruits of our labour. So if you have spoken bad and ill of someone it will all return to you. That’s the spiritual law of Karma.



Have you wondered why all your right words fail to create the magic of right spell in someone?


Have you wondered why your boss never trusts you with all that good conduct of yours? Why do small kids run away from you despite of the bribed chocolates?


The only reason that your spells aren’t working is that the emotion component is not set right.


You might go to your boss with a well rehearsed speech on why you deserve a raise but all your efforts flunked. What happened is that your insecurity and fears (emotions) were speaking opposite of your rehearsed speech. Your boss’s subconscious mind decoded these emotions from your subconscious mind and hence his conclusion was you don’t deserve a raise.


Did you know it’s very hard to deceive a kid?


A kid can never be mistaken about a stranger.


Has your kid ever told you that “Dad, I don’t like that uncle?” Have you wondered why? Did you ask him the reason why he doesn’t like that Uncle?


Children up to the age of seven years have not severed their tie with pure awareness like we adults. They are still connected to pure awareness and are learning about a new dimension called Emotion. A child’s life up to the age of seven years is about learning emotional intelligence. That’s why a child can leave such a mark on an adult. A cute six months old baby smile can remove all the stress from his father when he comes home tired and zapped from work.    


Most of our prayers don’t get answered because the emotional energy and the spoken prayer are not in sync.


You could be praying to God to alleviate you from your miseries while at the same time you have doubts whether your prayers will be answered. Where there is doubt then Fear will easily make a lodging there.


Before you cast any spell you have to make sure that your emotional energy supporting the spell is set at a very high frequency. In that way the spell/prayer will have a higher chance of manifesting or being answered.


You should also keep a note on your base vibratory feeling everyday. What is your dominant feeling throughout the day?


Are you on the worried mode?


Are you on the Fear mode?


Are you on the Gratitude mode?


If you have mastered emotional intelligence then whatever you will speak will be a prayer.


Haven’t you heard the best prayer just consist of two words.




These two words can open doors to diverse experiences of unlimited joy.


The point to remember is spells cannot work if the energy propelling them is not set to a right frequency.


Let go of all your fears, doubts and anger and rest in peaceful oceans of gratitude and joy.



Witchcraft is a science based on domination and control.


It’s an external craft.


Most of its philosophies are based on the statement “All realities are outside you”. People who practice this art are operating on a desperation and fear mode.


Your husband is no longer interested in you? No problem. Take this portion and mix it with his bathing water and see the change. We all have heard about the famous LOVE PORTIONS which promises to make us more loving and pleasing in the eyes of our lover.


Do you know what seeds of realities this ‘famous’ Love Portion is implanting in you?


You Must Control people’s behaviour to your benefit in order to be happy.


If you can’t control their behaviour alone why not take the help of another person.


We all know who this second person is. It’s our famous witches or wizards.


Witchcraft operates on the first three chakras only. These chakras relate to issues of power, sex, fear and insecurity. People visiting them will often have issues about money, lovers or positions. Such peoples life operates on the belief “I am a victim and helpless


Witchcraft thrives mainly on the energy of Fear. That’s why the practice of child sacrifice is used in it. As I had said earlier that children up to the age of seven years survive through their emotions. Their thought world is not stable but their emotion language is at its peak. Witches, wizards and Satanist take advantage of this fact and use them for their abhorrent practices.


Shower a kid with gifts and kisses and see how they vibrant with loving energy which makes you smile and feel like a million dollars. Tie the kid with rope, gag him and prepare him for sacrifice, you will see how he will generate intense FEAR.


It’s from this energy of Fear that the whole foundation of Satanism and Witchcraft stands. This energy of fear is harvested by child sacrifice and used to propel spells. This spells are directed to the person of choice.


We will cover more on Witchcraft in my article SATANISM & WITCHCRAFT.  



So far we have covered how the power of speaking and talking affects our life. Now I am going to give you some pointers on how to make and cast spells. It also involves sacrifice but not that of an animal or child.


Come with me. You are going to love this.


Spell making rests on three factors:

  1. Intention
  2. Energy
  3. Sacrifice
  4. Result



We need to look at our intentions before engaging in any esoteric practice. What are our beliefs and motives behind our intention? Our intentions mostly spring from our past conditioning and beliefs. If our past has been full of trauma or poverty then our intentions will be based on beliefs we created from those realities. A rape victim’s intention will always be based on the belief “I am helpless” unless she neutralized that incident with acceptance and needed therapy. Her intentions will be highly affected if the incident is still alive in her system as Pain Body.



Once you have an intention then an emotion will naturally bubble from our being. This emotion will give us a hint on the nature of our intention. If the intention is coming from an outlook of lack and victim hood then the emotion you might be feeling are anger, fear, insecurity and jealousy. At this juncture it’s best we stop our spell making and casting. If continued then this spells will fall in the dominion of Witchcraft and Satanism. How many of us have said wrong things under the provocation of such third chakra related emotions only to regret. Once we utter even a single word then the spell has already been made. What follows is Karma. What goes round comes around. The spell will return to you, the creator.



With the knowledge of Karma we can now create better spells. We have known that we are creators of our realities. Whatever we create, good or bad, will ultimately return to us in full bloom. Once we have realized the bad energies behind our intention we should not waste a moment in sacrificing them. Sacrificing these bad energies will break the hold they have on you to your past. It will move you from your dominant three chakras to the Heart. Once these bad energies are grounded in the Heart all our previous Karmas are cleaned and the energy body returns to the same innocent state during birth.


Do you know why saints bless and witches curse? Saints energy field is composed of high positive energy and if a person like me or you come close to it all are bad energies will be neutralized. This event is termed as blessing. A person close to a saint will cultivate nothing but good and positive.  A witch’s energy body is composed of high negative energy. Anyone coming close to it will feel contracted if his energy body is not firmly established with good positive energy. A witch provokes our sleeping negativity in us. That’s why a witch is always engaged in cursing people and gaining control over people with her spells.


Note: A witch or wizard is a person who gains control over people using there inner negativity. It can be anyone. Me, you or him. There is a saint and witch in all of us. In some matters the witch wins while in other it is the saint.




Results will vary according to our intentions. Good intentions will reap only good and nothing else. Some times the result can be a blend of good and bad. We should always remember that we are creators of our realities and should accept responsibility for all our creations.


You have been given the most wonderful secret to change your life. It now depends on you how you use your power to create spells to bring happiness or doom to your self.


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