The Body Spirit Soul Code

Miracles in Your Body by Nadeem Mohamed

15/02/2011 11:58


The scientists daily are finding intricate connections between various parts of the body. With the advancement of technology we are discovering things which were virtually impossible a century ago.


Mystics knew the secrets contained inside our bodies. They knew the Human body is a mini version of the entire universe. The universe is a macrocosm while the Human is a microcosm.


The Universal Mind has granted Humans the ability to understand the entire Universe. This ability has been exclusively given to Humans. That’s why Humans are referred to as the Caliph of the Universal Mind here on Earth.


Whatever we need to understand our surroundings and beyond has already be provided inside you. You don’t need anything outside of yourself to play the game of life.


Spiritualist and Mystics of the past brought the much needed changes in the societies and places where they lived and that too, without the aide of technology.


Any technology in the world today represents minute, low level achievements compared to what untapped powers and resources which are available inside man


If only man knew that he was exchanging diamonds in exchange of pieces of ordinary glass.


Our physical body is the doorway to understanding other subtle bodies within us. We need to understand how our physical body functions and the different roles our physical organs play in the process of life.


Below is a brief summary of the various organs of our body and their functions.


1.     Skin: This is the outer wrapper of our entire body. It protects your internal organs from the elements of weather and predators such as bugs, fleas and mosquitoes. It enables to perceive our outer world. This act of perceiving is known as touching

2.     Muscles: Muscles are the mechanical part of our body which makes actions such as walking, running, swimming and running possible.

3.     Bones: The skeletal system gives us the shape. It balances our total body.

4.     Eyes: It enables to perceive our outer world. This act of perceiving is known as sight or vision

5.     Ears: It enables to perceive our outer world. This act of perceiving is known as hearing

6.     Tongue: It enables to perceive our outer world. This act of perceiving is known as tasting

7.     Nose: It enables to perceive our outer world. This act of perceiving is known as smelling

8.     Lungs: Processes incoming and outgoing air. Part of the respiratory system

9.     Heart: Pumps blood to the whole body. Part of the circulatory system. The main organ in the study of mysticism and spirituality. Also associated with the emotional body.

10. Stomach: Part of the digestive system

11. Liver: Produces bile for the digestive system. Part of the digestive system. Also associated with the emotional body.

12. Spleen: Part of the digestive system. Also associated with the emotional body.

13. Pancreas: Part of the digestive system

14. Kidneys: Filters liquid waste out of the body. Also associated with the emotional body.

15. Small intestine: Part of assimilation system. All the nutrients are supplied to the body from this part.

16. Large intestine: Stores waste products from the digestion process for evacuation

17. Penis/Vagina: Main function is to pass out liquid waste from the body. Secondary function is for procreation

18. Brain: Most important part in the body. It controls the secretion of various chemicals and hormones through out the body.  The main organ in the study of mysticism and spirituality


The above are some of the important organs of the Human body. All these organs work in harmony and in unity with each other.


Some organs like the Heart and the Brain are used by all the eight bodies.


Some organs like the Kidneys, liver, spleen, heart and lungs are used by the physical body and the emotional body


For example, the lung is associated with the emotion of Happiness and Grief in the Chinese medicine.


You don’t need to be a PHd in Body Organ functioning to study spirituality but a basic understanding of how our body functions will help us in understanding the rest of our subtle bodies.


A healthy functioning body ensures success in various spiritual practices


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